We walked again this morning but less ambitiously than yesterday: a mile or so out, a long sit on a well-placed lava chunk, and then back. Twig seems as much drawn to tranquil being-there as I; she shows no signs of impatience however long we sit. The longer we stayed...
Cosmos Manifests as Truth-Beauty-Goodness
I WAS CAMPED IN THE eastern Sierra Nevada of California at 9,000′ within a roughly enfolded basin, granite cliffs rising at least another 1,000’ all around except for the gap through which the old glacier had eased downward fifteen millennia ago. A hiker...
Sierra Nevada Water & Trees – Part 4
Today I walked again. I found much to marvel at and many interesting encounters along the way. I saw a parent quail with several newly hatched chicks and wondered where the other parent was. A parent of any species tending their young is always strangely engaging,...
Thoughts From My Journal – The Sonoran Desert
Before returning to Organ Pipe Cactus three months ago I had come only twice: once while I wrote my dissertation 30+ years ago and again about fifteen years later. I let its remoteness get in my way even knowing how uniquely it affected me. The absurdity of letting...