2022 The Northern Route – Aarhus
I have moved on to Odense tonight and Aarhus for the next two before going back to Copenhagen for my last night. Fortunately, I’m losing some of my zest for traveling or I’d be irritated at what the agent put together for my trip since leaving Norway. And even more so...
2022 The Northern Route – Denmark National Museum
14 October: I spent the day in the National Museum, a place too abundant for me to cover adequately in a day. My back grows painful after standing for too long. But in addition to the astonishment of seeing so much gathered in a single place, I learned two interesting...
What Matters
An action is right when it respects the integrity and vital needs and interests of others. It is wrong when it does not. Many readers will recognize the above ethical declaration as a paraphrase of Aldo Leopold’s well known “Land Ethic.” I came to know and...
Thoughts From My Journal – Dixie Fire
8-7-21: I often write notes to myself when I’m reading, and more often when I’m camping. These used to be called “commonplace books” and have been maintained since antiquity; I’m sorry I’ve not spent more time on mine, both writing in them and rereading, which I...