Thoughts From My Journal – Being Elder
It feels paradoxical: on the one hand, age brings physical diminishment; I’m slower, weaker, less resilient, so perhaps the capacity to manage gripes is concurrently reduced and maybe we elders become more thin-skinned with age so our resistance to annoyance is lower...
Thoughts From My Journal – The Highest Good?
I was thinking yesterday about the idea of a person’s highest good and how it would appear, logically, that we’d have been built so that our strongest desire was to promote and pursue that good. When hungry we move toward food; when thirsty we want water: that’s the...
Beauty Exists Even in the Absence of Humans
I’ve been at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument since noon. I first came here in ’88 on my dissertation trip. I had had a brief exposure to Death Valley and extended time in the Joshua Tree desert area and then several days here. More even than JT it has a diverse...
This Astonishing Sonoran Desert
My little dog Twig and I have walked several miles through this astonishing Sonoran Desert today. I find again that age does not enhance my ability to traipse around in the heat. Although not from a large or scientific sample, I have heard among those I’ve met over...