Thoughts From My Journal – Non-Attachement
*9-13: Since I wrote previously about nonattachment, I read this: “A certain recluse monk once remarked, ‘I have relinquished all that ties me to the world, but the one thing that still haunts me is the beauty of the sky.’ I can quite see why he would feel this.” The...
What Matters
An action is right when it respects the integrity and vital needs and interests of others. It is wrong when it does not. Many readers will recognize the above ethical declaration as a paraphrase of Aldo Leopold’s well known “Land Ethic.” I came to know and...
Thoughts From My Journal – Beauty Imbued Spirit
8-31-2021: If it were possible to believe that gods created the Universe, the next belief might be that they had decided to use Earth for the indulgence of their artistic talents. To see just how much beauty they could create in, from their perspective, a limited...