Reverence for Existence
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“The world occasionally lifts its veil,” when we pay attention. In Reverence for Existence the author takes the reader to remote deserts, mountain landscapes, glacial cirques, and home country as he traces paths toward meaning and compassion. The richness of his experience leads to reflection on ways of living with authenticity that also affirm the ethical and spiritual essence of our world. He tells a deeply thoughtful story of engagement with Nature, the “knowing” it offers, and the “reverence” it can inspire.
“At its heart, Reverence for Existence is a deeply moving book for all who cherish the wonders of being. Brestrup illuminates a treasure trove of possibilities to experience life at its fullest. Rarely do we see brilliance and beauty merged in such an artful manner, replete with nourishment for a hungry culture.”
~ Ed Duvin, CEO Building Caring Communities
“Our attempts to control the Earth are many, buttressed by socialization towards Earth and Nature that leads to distancing and disrespect. This makes Reverence for Existence: A Way of Knowing critical reading. Brestrup takes us on a journey of re-connection through his experiences in and philosophy of nature, well-integrated with his reflections on the teachings of Muir, Thoreau, Abbey, Austin and others who honor all life. The Earth and her inhabitants are our kin.”
~ S. Rowan Wolf, PhD. Educator, Sociologist, Social Justice Activist
Craig Brestrup, PhD, has worked in nonprofit mental health and animal protection organizations for more than forty years. His career includes the practice of psychotherapy, teaching, writing, and working as CEO of several organizations. He received a doctorate in Medical Humanities with a concentration in environmental ethics and the human relationship with nature and animals. He is now largely retired and living on the North Coast of California.
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People are Saying…
“Reverence for Existence is a thought-provoking work that encourages us to take a moment and engage with the natural world around us. Dr. Brestrup proposes that only by fully immersing ourselves in the world we inhabit can we appreciate what it has to offer… Many of Brestrup’s ideas and comments encouraged me to take a look around and find meaning in the present through the beauty of nature. Nature should be seen as something sacred, something to be honored and revered… This is a book for those who want to delve deeper into the meaning of existence and what it means to cultivate a sense of reverence for all that we see, touch, hear and feel on this marvelous planet we call home.” ~ San Francisco Book Review (Full Review Here)
“Brestrup’s Reverence for Existence is an elegant exposition on the wisdom and peace that nature can offer, if only we choose to look. From sere deserts to ancient glacial paths and beyond, we follow Brestrup’s travels and trains of thought as these magnificent landscapes prompt deep reflection and reverence for being. He teaches how to truly appreciate the sacredness of place and of being, of life itself… Brestrup has an easygoing, engaging writing style. While dealing with these deep topics, never once did things feel dry or bogged down. In fact, I flew through the book and reread parts for enjoyment and for prompting further musings on my part. The messages contained in this gem of a book are crucial. If I still taught, this would most definitely become required reading!” ~ Seattle Book Review (Full Review Here)
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