
Philosophical and Political 

Living Towards Ends

Not long ago I wrote an essay[1] about what are called “existential risks,” aka “X-risks,” those calamitous possibilities (e.g., nuclear war, anthropogenic climate disruption, pandemic, and more, sometimes referred to collectively as the polycrisis) that are considered capable of rendering Homo sapiens extinct, or nearly so, and our present ways of life definitively so. I did not write about...

Aging: The Surprise

I awoke today preoccupied with thoughts about aging and its place in a life—Thoughts about aging as a phenomenon and as my experience and how it came on me as a surprise. I then moved to an obvious question: When does aging begin? (I know well enough when it ends.) My assumption is that it’s primarily a physical process with each step linked to mental accompaniments: emotions, interpretations,...

A Patient’s View

These thoughts are sent into the dentistry realm not from a dental practitioner or researcher but from a patient. I presume to do so based on two facets of my history. First, I have far more than the average level of dental problems (although perhaps not disproportionately since I am 79 years old) and have seen and/or talked with 8 or 9 dentists about my needs over the last three years. This...
Thoughts From My Journal – Stillwater II

Thoughts From My Journal – Stillwater II

11-17: Yesterday Twig and I walked what’s called the Canyon Trail (at StillWater Cove) along the creek eastward to its terminus at private property. (The distinction between a canyon and a valley is, even in dictionaries, very loose, which allows plenty of room for...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Stillwater Cove

Thoughts From My Journal – Stillwater Cove

11-15: I walk the trail out of the campground [on the Pacific coast now at Still Water Cove a hundred miles north of San Francisco] and can make a left when I reach the valley bottom and find myself in a small cove a quarter mile to the west. A right takes me along a...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Non-Attachement

Thoughts From My Journal – Non-Attachement

*9-13: Since I wrote previously about nonattachment, I read this: “A certain recluse monk once remarked, ‘I have relinquished all that ties me to the world, but the one thing that still haunts me is the beauty of the sky.’ I can quite see why he would feel this.” The...

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Thoughts From My Journal – The River’s Patter

Thoughts From My Journal – The River’s Patter

9-11: We walked again today, this time west until we crossed the bridge and turned east and eventually found a fallen pine a hundred yards from the River where we sat in silence for a while. Twig seems an unusual dog in that she can sit still as long as I am observing...

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What Matters

What Matters

An action is right when it respects the integrity and vital needs and interests of others. It is wrong when it does not.   Many readers will recognize the above ethical declaration as a paraphrase of Aldo Leopold’s well known “Land Ethic.” I came to know and...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Age and Rapid Change

Thoughts From My Journal – Age and Rapid Change

9-9: The Sierra and Yosemite were never only Nature, beauty, wonderment, and the place I most liked to go. They were experiences of physical engagement, of combining exertion and sweat with the dust of a trail and the sights along them. Now I see how crucial that kind...

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