
Philosophical and Political 

Living Towards Ends

Not long ago I wrote an essay[1] about what are called “existential risks,” aka “X-risks,” those calamitous possibilities (e.g., nuclear war, anthropogenic climate disruption, pandemic, and more, sometimes referred to collectively as the polycrisis) that are considered capable of rendering Homo sapiens extinct, or nearly so, and our present ways of life definitively so. I did not write about...

Aging: The Surprise

I awoke today preoccupied with thoughts about aging and its place in a life—Thoughts about aging as a phenomenon and as my experience and how it came on me as a surprise. I then moved to an obvious question: When does aging begin? (I know well enough when it ends.) My assumption is that it’s primarily a physical process with each step linked to mental accompaniments: emotions, interpretations,...

A Patient’s View

These thoughts are sent into the dentistry realm not from a dental practitioner or researcher but from a patient. I presume to do so based on two facets of my history. First, I have far more than the average level of dental problems (although perhaps not disproportionately since I am 79 years old) and have seen and/or talked with 8 or 9 dentists about my needs over the last three years. This...
Thoughts From My Journal – Natchez Trace Parkway

Thoughts From My Journal – Natchez Trace Parkway

*4-23: I was hiking an unfamiliar trail a couple days ago and when it made a sharp turn, I followed it rather than pausing for what looked like an inviting creek spot in the distance; I was focused on the trail, a double-edged sword that seems to obstruct as much as...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Sonoran Desert 2

Thoughts From My Journal – Sonoran Desert 2

1-28: Last day here and I took off on a trail headed west out of the campground. It crossed three sizable washes, which for me are always evocative and for desert flora are like a magnet that draws them in to make relatively dense populations that follow its path....

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Thoughts From My Journal – Sonoran Desert

Thoughts From My Journal – Sonoran Desert

1-27: I noted that the plants cactus seeds choose to settle next to are called nurse-plants, and I’m beginning to think this whole desert is my collective nurse biome. I just spent another couple hours on the ridge and the trails going to and from it. On the way up I...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Desert Seeds

Thoughts From My Journal – Desert Seeds

1-26: I have discovered who initiates the intimacy of the close relations I have spoken of. Not surprisingly, it is the cactus; out of the millions of seeds cast to their fates every year only a small minority germinate and grow. Those with the good fortune to land...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Organ Pipe National Monument

Thoughts From My Journal – Organ Pipe National Monument

*1-22: [Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument] I just returned from over an hour’s walk around a lovely trail, one I know I’ve mentioned on earlier visits, the one I always walk several times depending on how long I’m here. I recently downloaded a short essay from close...

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Thoughts From My Journal – Tuolumne Meadows

Thoughts From My Journal – Tuolumne Meadows

*1-16: [In Death Valley] I felt crotchety with age and ill-humor this morning when I left to hike. But I left and climbed steadily my favorite near-by mountain, which at about 500 feet is sufficiently strenuous to ascend and rewards the effort with a splendid view of...

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