
Philosophical and Political 

Living Towards Ends

Not long ago I wrote an essay[1] about what are called “existential risks,” aka “X-risks,” those calamitous possibilities (e.g., nuclear war, anthropogenic climate disruption, pandemic, and more, sometimes referred to collectively as the polycrisis) that are considered capable of rendering Homo sapiens extinct, or nearly so, and our present ways of life definitively so. I did not write about...

Aging: The Surprise

I awoke today preoccupied with thoughts about aging and its place in a life—Thoughts about aging as a phenomenon and as my experience and how it came on me as a surprise. I then moved to an obvious question: When does aging begin? (I know well enough when it ends.) My assumption is that it’s primarily a physical process with each step linked to mental accompaniments: emotions, interpretations,...

A Patient’s View

These thoughts are sent into the dentistry realm not from a dental practitioner or researcher but from a patient. I presume to do so based on two facets of my history. First, I have far more than the average level of dental problems (although perhaps not disproportionately since I am 79 years old) and have seen and/or talked with 8 or 9 dentists about my needs over the last three years. This...
August in Kings Canyon

August in Kings Canyon

8-31: If it were possible to believe that gods created the Universe, the next belief might be that they had decided to use Earth for the indulgence of their artistic talents. To see just how much beauty they could create in, from their perspective, a limited space....

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Entangled Life – Part III

Entangled Life – Part III

(A few days later) For many years one of my favorite places to camp has been Warner Valley, a remote area in the southeast corner of Lassen Volcanic N.P. The Pacific Crest Trail runs through, as does a permanent stream, and I’ve hiked both north and south on the PCT...

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Entangled Life – Part II

Entangled Life – Part II

Plato, in his Republic, imagined what a magic ring that he called the Ring of Gyges would do to justice. The ring would give its wearer invisibility and thus the ability to do anything they wanted without fear of apprehension. Presumably the temptation would be too...

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Entangled Life – Part I

Entangled Life – Part I

I read a book a few months ago called Entangled Life. It describes the astonishing activity beneath my feet, especially when said feet carry me through a forest, a place where fungi and roots commingle with lubricious-level abandon, and microbes, invertebrates, and...

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At Butte Lake

At Butte Lake

Two days at Butte Lake now; three weeks ago, when I started my trip I mentioned signs that eras were closing, and here they are again. The first: Spontaneous camping trips to long favored locales will require planning, contradictory as that obviously is. Most of the...

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Improving on Silence

Improving on Silence

There’s an expression I’ve always liked: “Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.” Wise words but rarely honored. Even I, quiet by nature, have a hard time abiding by them in situations where talking seems called for and where I could not often claim to be...

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